Committee of Management

Being a community-based kindergarten, we are overseen by a Committee of Management – comprising of parent volunteers of the families at TWK. We highly value the importance of parental involvement and the strong relationships we build within the community. The Committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), which is generally held in November each year. It is responsible for the overall functioning and administration of the kindergarten, with decisions primarily being made at monthly meetings, which are held at the Centre.

The Committee of Management is made up of Executive Members: President, Vice –President, Secretary and Treasurer. It also has a Fundraising Coordinator and 4-6 general members. It is the responsibility of this Committee to govern the kinder – this involves overseeing the day-to-day running and policy-making of the Preschool, safeguarding employment and payment of staff and ensuring the supply of materials and equipment. All positions must be filled each year to ensure the kindergarten operates successfully.

The Committee roles are as follows:

  • President: Has the role of ensuring that the Management Committee operates effectively, chairs meetings, coordinates the committee and staff roles, acts as an official spokesperson, and negotiates with outside bodies, two of whom being, the City of Whittlesea Council and Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
  • Vice President: Assists the President and performs the President’s role in his/her absence.
  • Secretary: Has the role of taking the minutes at monthly meetings, distributing agendas prior to meetings and coordinating communication within the Committee, staff and parents. Some Computer Literacy skills are preferred.
  • Treasurer: Coordinates the counting and banking of monies with the services Book keeper.
  • Enrolment Officer: Ensures Enrolment Secretarial duties are up to date. Coordinates the mail out of enrolment packs for both 3 and 4-year-old groups- supported by administrative staff
  • Fundraising Coordinator: Has the role of planning and organising events and activities which raise funds in order to benefit the kindergarten.
  • Maintenance Coordinator: Performs maintenance work and odd jobs around the kindergarten as required and co-ordinates Working Bees
  • Newsletter Officer: Co-ordinates newsletters for the Kindergarten groups by liaising with teaching staff and committee. Photocopies and distributes newsletters accordingly. Emails newsletters to families that have nominated this preference.
  • General Committee Members: Have the role of contributing at meetings, assisting and supporting executive members and the Fundraising Coordinator when required.